
Nov 142018
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After much preparation and with growing excitement, the eagerly awaited Ancient Egypt Day finally arrived. Once again, the children sported their fantastic Egyptian costumes and even some tastefully applied make up. There were many highlights during the day, many of which did not involve food. We did enjoy two ‘sittings’ at the feast – thank you to everyone who kindly sent in food.

The theme of the day was very much about bringing history to life. The children made ‘ancient Egyptian’ jewellery, they created cartouches on papyrus, and they took part in a number of drama activities. Another highlight was being explorers and entering the tomb of Tutankhamun! After all the goings-on, we all collapsed in the Hall to watch a movie. A fine time was had by all!

My favourite day of the year! 

Author : Richard Marshall (Year 3 Leader)