
Nov 132018
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St Christopher’s was once again delighted to welcome members of the Chelsea Pensioners to our Primary School campus in Saar. The gentlemen were greeted by members of our Leadership Management Team, before visiting children in the Year 6 classrooms. Students had prepared some very interesting questions, such as how they had received their medals, where they had been stationed during their service, and which countries they had visited, and everyone was very excited to have them answered in person. Chelsea Pensioners John Griffiths, Peter Henry and Hugh Craig then very kindly spent time in each classroom, and also enjoyed asking the students about their education and life in Bahrain.

The students have been taking part in a Remembrance Day poetry competition, so the next stop was to award the winners with congratulatory certificates. This made such a lovely memory for the children, and we thank the Chelsea Pensioners for offering to help recognise the children’s creative efforts! The gentlemen then went on a guided tour of the school, led by Year 6 pupils Scarlett and Jeremy.

Finally, everyone was invited to enjoy tea and cream cakes with various members of staff. The visit was thoroughly enjoyed, and appreciated, by everyone.

Author : Nadia Al-Aali