
Oct 172018
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Written by Mr Van der Eyken, Year 6 Leader

Year 6 visited the Grand Mosque as part of their study of Islam. It was a fantastic trip and the children were treated to an excellent guided tour by the staff at the mosque. They were able to see all the features of a mosque at first hand and they learned all about how prayers are conducted.

The children also learned where all the different features of the mosque were made. For example, the carpet comes from Ireland!

The children were also given a little bag of goodies to take away with them which just rounded off a superb trip. Now the children will use what they saw to help them explore, in more detail, the symbolism and importance of the various features of a mosque.

Thanks to everyone who helped the trip run smoothly and to the children for being so brilliantly behaved. We were very proud of them!

“It was both beautiful and interesting” Noorhan, 6B