
Mar 192019
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Written by Ms Tierney

What a fantastic fun-filled adventure! Year 8s recently faced their fears and got up close to nature at the Ecoventure camp in Ras Al Khaimah. Kayaking, canoeing, climbing, cutting up squid, abseiling, animal petting and acting are just some of the activities students enjoyed back in February. The staff who accompanied the trip (Mrs Sissons, Mr Joseph, Mrs Khan, Mr O’Dowd and Miss Tierney) were very impressed with the bravery shown by our students, especially those who had never taken part in activities involving heights. We had lots of giggles around the campfire and St Christopher’s students did us proud with their creativity and confidence with the evening challenges. Thank you to all the wonderful staff at Ecoventure and to our supportive parents who managed to get students to the airport for 5:30am! It was a pleasure to take you all on the trip and we hope that students have made memories for life.