
Feb 112019
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If ever there was a day to give St Christopher’s School a wide berth, Thursday 7 February was probably that day. It was our ever-popular but slightly unsettling Year 2 Pirate Day – a whole day devoted to mischievous behaviour, filled with marauding, robbery, ransom, following clues to hidden treasure and bad table-manners. The day started with an opportunity to show off our piratical finery and to pose for portraits in our Pirate Parade. It was then time to get busy and in true pirate fashion we either followed clues to a chest of gold doubloons or set about terrorizing the rest of the school. After a sumptuous feast of unhealthy food (much of which ended up beneath the tables or down our fronts) we enjoyed a relatively calm afternoon making maps, telescopes, washing and hanging the crew’s dirty laundry, digging in the sand or trying out new boat designs in the water tubs. Everyone agreed that being a pirate is a tiring affair and we know that everyone (children and teachers) slept soundly dreaming of life on the high seas and tales of derring-do.

Author: Richard Evans