
Jan 312019
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This year’s Winter Concert was a triumph for the young musicians of St Christopher’s School. Over 200 children entertained a packed house with music, song and dance of the highest standard.

The audience were welcomed into the school grounds by Mr Milgate and the Senior Brass Group who set the scene with a selection of well known Christmas Carols. They were further entertained as they eagerly waited to take their seats by Mr Bagshaw and his woodwind ensemble. 

Every item on the Programme showcased the rich vein of talent within the school. The Lahan choir set the standard for the others to emulate with their enthusiastic and brilliant opening numbers. The audience were then treated to a variety of outstanding performances from the various Ensembles. 

There were many highlights throughout the evening including the Senior Choir who sang a fantastic arrangement of the Twelve Days of Christmas; the brass group, who gave us a rendition of Smoke on the Water; our young year 2 “soldiers” who marched and danced superbly alongside our two ballerinas.  The evening concluded with all of our musicians and choirs joining together for the rousing finale to which the audience reacted with a well deserved standing ovation.

Author: Caron Lisett