
Jan 312019
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The 20th Anniversary of the Young Musicians of the Gulf competition will be held at St Christopher’s School between Monday 28 January and Thursday 31 January 2019.  The competition is open to musicians throughout the Gulf Region who have attained Grade 7 standard or above and we are extremely proud of the fact that our school has entered the most number of students with 34 entries.

The Musical Interlude concert gave these talented students the opportunity to perform their competition entries in front of a very appreciative audience of family and friends.

Every St Christopher entrant is to be congratulated for the manner in which they have approached the competition. Together with their instrumental teachers, they have invested hours and hours to make sure that they perform at their very best.

Musical Interlude (2) showcased all of our students and the performances were of an exceptionally high standard.

Author: Caron Lisett